are the people that work
with me to ensure the success
and safety of our expeditions .
fitness is being monitored by Professor
Clyde Williams and Ian Rollo
who work as part of the Sports Research team at
Loughborough University, this
is overseen by Professor John Feehally
a consultant Nephrologist at the University
Hospitals of Leicester.

advice has been given by Chris Imray
a transplant surgeon and mountaineer who has summited
Mount Everest and Dr David Hillebrandt
an expedition doctor and medical advisor. Also
my own transplant surgeon Hany Riad,
Manchester Royal infirmary, has been involved
at every stage.
Pete Mcnight kindly offered his
support, he is a strength and conditioning coach,
based at Loughborough University, with the English
Institute of Sport. Pete trains and coaches
Olympic athletes and is helping to build and improve
my overall strength.